Thursday, October 25, 2007


Havnt been playing a lot lately. Kids are sick, I'm sick, it sux. I couldnt even go to Majestic with a buddy... I know I would have made some coin there. oh well. When I have played online, it's mostly microlimit NL. I'm really not "playing poker." I'm just in it to make some money. Str8 forward ABCD poker. No special moves or bluffs or plays. Just hit a hand and maximize value. It helps that the fish try to make moves and make mistakes! It's really just wait and pounce. It's sad because I like to make plays but when they reraise or call, you know they have something. But as long as I still enjoy playing and making smart decisions and lay downs, it's all good.

I tried playing microlimit HORSE last night. That is a very fun game. No stupid allins and suckouts (mostly). I held my own, but those 8 or better games kill me. Just too confusing analyzing my hand for high and/or low and trying to put others on a hand. But it was challenging and fun. I like RAZZ. I want to play more tourneys, but my connection can go at any time.

Played a turbo SNG last night. Fell asleep and woke up almost blinded down...not good when it's a turbo. Wasn't even drinking either. But I made some plays and took it down for a few bucks. Seems like EVERYONE playing sngs now know the formula of playing those... so challenging. Still you get some fish here and there. Poker is fun for everyone.


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