Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Work Station

I love reading poker blogs. At work. At home. Anywhere. I just need to get my fix of reading others' play, stories, and suckouts. I especially like Pauly's blog. Very entertaining. His recent post is about having the proper set-up while playing online. No distractions. Well, alas, that is rarely how I play. Such is my playing life. I look at pics of others' set-up/play stations, and I wish I could be as lucky. Double screens. New desktops. Den/office. The only thing I do have is a nice big leather chair. Too bad I can't use it when I play. I guess that is what I get for refusing to pay for cable internet and "borrowing" wireless from "I don't know who really." Eventually, if or when the wireless cuts out, I will cave in and give $ to Cumcast. I am tempted to get a broadband card from one of the phone companies tho, we'll see. The only place I get reliable connection is on my bed in the bedroom. By reliable I mean when the connection lasts 2 minutes at a time, and of course it always cuts off when I have a big pocket pair. I'm sure this is costing me tens of dollars. Because of this situation, I cannot play what I consider my bread n butter: low limit SnGs. Oh, and I do have some other distractions that affect my play, namely my wife and two kids. Sheesh. Family comes first yeah yeah but all the married w kids folk out there know that when playing poker, one just wants some alone time. While some wifeys are supportive, mine ... ain't. I had to leave the apt yesterday and headed to the local library (free wireless) to get some alone (poker) time. Played some sngs and won two and bubbled one when at the endgame, my JJ lost a coinflip to 55. Of course, right before that I sucked out with 99 v. TT, but sucking out feels better than the other way round. So even though my current playing situation is less than ideal, I will keep playing and having fun and trying to get better at this game. And when I eventually do get set up properly, watch out you low limit donkeys.

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