Thursday, October 11, 2007

So he had pocket JJ

So it's confirmed that Yang had JJ when Childs folded his QQ. Amazing. It's so easy to criticize from my futon. I'm not the one at the ME FT playing for millions. But... I'm not sure. What the hell did he put him on? First, I think Yang and Childs clashed a few times before the FT. Even then, Childs laid down to Yang's overbets and reraises. Second, I believe Yang started the FT going aggr-donk-funky with raises PF on half the hands at the beginning of the FT. Third, Yang is a donk, moreso than Gold, Moneymaker, Varkonyi. One poker guy surmised that Yang just couldn't get away from TT or JJ... he was right. Childs played scared poker = bad poker. If Yang had a set, AA or KK, would he really reraise allin? Yang just made the wrong moves at all the right times. I don't even want to think about the plays made by "pros" Hilm and Watkinson. Risking your ME on those hands? They forgot that Yang is a donk who wont lay anything down. The only one who I felt played well was Kravchenko. He won a bracelet, and I think in his interview he said he played around 30 events!! Da.

But someone had to win, so congrats Yang. Praise God. Bulldozer!

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