Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Philly home game

I played in my weekly Phila home game in Chinatown last night. Due to inclement weather, not too many peeps showed up. We played two short-handed SNGs, winner take all. I was runner up in the first, got first in the second. Final hand of second game: I'm on the button with dueces so, of course, I go all in (blinds are ridiculously high at this point). Villian instacalls with 6-6. And, just as if I was playing on Pokerstars, I river the duece. It's always best on the river. Good game me. I'm really going to miss this homegame here in Philly. But I'm sure I will find some good ones in da CHI.

I just love pocket dueces preflop--it's a sniper hand if you can trip up. Quack Quack.

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