Monday, April 16, 2007

Birth of a new poker blogger

To all in cyberspace,

Greetings, and welcome to my new blog of all things me. This is going to be either stupid and short-lived, or REALLY stupid and VERY short-lived.

Ten things about me:

-In NJ now, but will move (back) to Chicago in May 2007.
-I'm a lawyer, husband, and father of two daughters.
-Love poker.
-I love AC, and will miss it dearly.
-I play at the lowest possible limits at Pokerstars' cash and SNGs.

Well, I guess I will just stop at five.

To those who can answer, am I an official poker blogger now?

Holla back!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

You are an official poker blogger. I definitely recommend checking out other bloggers and leaving comments, like you did at my site. It'll help tie you into the community. Good luck with the blog. It will invariably feel futile at the beginning, but if you can post consistently, it'll improve your game, writing skills and become a great pasttime.