Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Busto soon?

I hope not, but I took out almost half of my meager BR on Stars to pay for shit. I've also decided to focus mostly on the limit games. I can only take so much of running QQ into KK and KK into AA, etc. Especially when you play the small stakes I do, one preflop raise or reraise plus a cbet will basically commit all your stack to that hand. Forget that. With limit, I can minimize losses and make a steady gain. I also really like the small stakes HORSE games. Variety is nice. I just need to remind myself to stay patient and wait for good hands. I think I discovered that even at my low limits on Stars, there are a few serious grinders out there. One dude consistently plays around 20 tables at a time. Now thats a serious low limit grinder. I think five is my limit, and that's with a couple of HORSE tables running. AH, it's fun to eke out a few dollars profit a night.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Majestic Trip

Well a new year, another fun trip to Majestic. But after 6 hours of playing last Friday, I basically just broke even. But it could have been worse I guess. Of course, I should have been better. There was one young dude at my table who said he played poker only two times before... well he was a card rack and had AA at least three times the first hour I was there. He left up around 5 hundy.... damn that was MY goal.

The table was the most limpy loose table I ever played at. Should have been good news for me. At first I was a little aggro and tried to raise everyones 2$ limp. 7 ppl limping was not uncommon. Again, I just could not catch anything. Best hand was JJ.

One key hand I'm down to around 50 or 60, limps 5 ways to me in the cutoff. I have AK. I raise to 15, and it gets folded to EP who then proceeds to raise to 20 or thirty more. HMMMM. What hands limp then reraise? A monster. For some reason I didnt believe him and called. He flips same hand and we chop. So a little while later, I'm still around 60$ and it limps to cutoff who raises. This guy knows how to play, which means he could have been making a play. I have 88 and go all in. He calls and flips AK. Door card is the K, with a 4 and 6. Turn is 5, River is 7. Oh yeah. Anyways I just keep treading water after being down to 50, and decide to leave around 5 am. Just wasnt my night. next time should be better. I believe even though the table was real limpy and passive, ppl there knew what they were doing.

Majestic's 1/2 game is now $200 max buy in, so there is a lot more flexibility in play. Less mindless shoving. Should be an opportunity to make money there. I like that room.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Majestic trip

I went to play some poker at Majestic Star casino in beautiful gary, indiana over the weekend. Rather would have been in Vegas, but oh well. The weather was bad but who cares, poker had to be played.
So, I get to the room (best in chicagoland until/unless Horseshoe opens up a new one) and check in--I had called ahead. I got my $100 max chips and sat down and was immediately scurred. There were some big stacks at the table, I mean some stacks approaching $1000. At a 100 max table. Hmmm. Either there are sharks present or there are fish present, probably both. But I held my own.
First big hand, I'm in sb w Q8. A couple of limpers, so I complete. Flop brings a Q, I check-call, and its heads up w BB. Turn is 8. I check, he bets 20-25, so I go all in and double up....pretty standard.
Another interesting hand I limp w A2 clubs. SB raises, BB calls, I call. Flop comes all clubs; i.e. the nuts. SB checks, BB bets, I smooth-cold-call, SB calls. Turn is another 5 (a 5 was on the flop). check, bet, I just call again, call. River is a J. So the final board is J5x5J w three clubs. Now sb bets $25, and BB goes apeshit and tosses his cards saying he flopped a flush and got rivered. Hmmmm. SB had a nonchalant look to him. He kept check calling throughout and then bet 25 on the river leaving himself less than 50. with the pot this large, wouldn't he just go all in? I of course am priced in to call 25 and sb flips QQ lol. funny thing is i thought about just putting him all in because at this point why not. oh well. i still won a nice pot.
I also won a nice pot w trip 22, one of my fav hands. ALso, had KK and flopped a boat with them.... so i'm up over $400 in a couple hours and can now understand why there were such big stacks to begin with.
But of course it would not last. what a shock. So i have AQ and raise to 15 in mp. sb calls and two others call. flop comes AQ5... uh ok. sb immediately goes all in for around less than 100. uh ok. i say soemthing like "i have to call you" and show my cards to him... now in retrospect that is bad luck something i learned from high stakes poker. never show your cards until after the hand, gotcha. because the turn came another 5 and he flips some bullshit like 57s for trips. great. so right after that i get 66, raise and say im on tilt. i get 18 callers. flop comes something like 7105, i fire, two callers. blank turn, i go all in. im only up against a big stack who is weak and predictably folds, and a "short" <100 stack who moved over from 3-6 limit. he was an older asian guy, and he called me. he has 88, and says he put me on AK or whatever. yeah i played it bad and didnt have to lose that much to the donk. anyways, i still ended up with a 200 profit for a few hours. next time im up 4 or 5 hundy, i'm racking and running.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Had a good T-giving. Lots of rest. Won $200 and then lost it playing online. I think I should try and move up levels to $50nl. I "took a shot" at the $100nl level, two tabling. It didn't work out. This hand make me realize I still suck.

EP raises and I reraise in MP w JJ to like $12 ( I don't remember exactly just roughly). Flop comes A A blank. EP checks quickly (at the time, I actually noted that he checked VERY quickly). I made a CB of around $20. EP calls. So, at that point I'm thinking maybe he has a pp too. Turn is a blank, EP checks, I check (good move by me--control pot size and losses in case he has an A). River is another blank and EP bets 30-something. I call and he has AQ. I have NO reason why I played it that badly--did I even play it bad? There were no straights or flushes out there. So he hit his A, I guess it happens. Funny thing is that if only one A hit the board, I prolly would have bailed. Anyways, I don't like the thought of losing a hundy in one hand so I will stay down at the micros for awhile longer.

Couldn't get a wireless signal last night so I didn't play -- I hate when that happens. So ghetto is I.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another one

Again. Oh, both this hand and the hand from the previous post were the FIRST HANDS of the SNGs. I'm folding AA on the first hand next time... I promise.

PokerStars Game #13202310379: Tournament #66997280, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2007/11/12 - 17:47:59 (ET)Table '66997280 1' 9-max

Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: BigCheese187 (1500 in chips)

Seat 2: MinDaddy (1500 in chips)

Seat 3: donbarney (1500 in chips)

Seat 4: maladroit G (1500 in chips)

Seat 5: elsamisam (1500 in chips)

Seat 6: time2start (1500 in chips)

Seat 7: Herrumm (1500 in chips)

Seat 8: Snowboardguy (1500 in chips)

Seat 9: LUCKY13TRACI (1500 in chips)

MinDaddy: posts small blind 10

donbarney: posts big blind 20

*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to MinDaddy [Ah Ad]

maladroit G: folds

elsamisam: folds

time2start: folds

Herrumm: folds

Snowboardguy: folds

LUCKY13TRACI: raises 40 to 60

BigCheese187: folds

MinDaddy: calls 50

donbarney: folds

*** FLOP *** [9c Js Tc]

MinDaddy: checks

LUCKY13TRACI: bets 80

MinDaddy: raises 140 to 220

LUCKY13TRACI: raises 1220 to 1440 and is all-in

MinDaddy: calls 1220 and is all-in

*** TURN *** [9c Js Tc] [Qd]

*** RIVER *** [9c Js Tc Qd] [6s]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

MinDaddy: shows [Ah Ad] (a pair of Aces)

LUCKY13TRACI: shows [Kh Kd] (a straight, Nine to King)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bad Beat

Here's my bad beat of the day. I would love for this to play out the way it did (except fo da riv, of course) 99.99 out of 100 times.

PokerStars Game #13182138982: Tournament #66898193, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2007/11/11 - 17:37:17 (ET)Table '66898193 1' 9-max
Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: MinDaddy (1500 in chips)
Seat 2: StripeySox1 (1500 in chips)
Seat 3: hobbo1981 (1500 in chips)
Seat 4: concreterob (1500 in chips)
Seat 5: echocw (1500 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 6: pietla (1500 in chips)
Seat 7: Leonclub (1500 in chips)
Seat 8: porkster1 (1500 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 9: Xilef030 (1500 in chips)
StripeySox1: posts small blind 10
hobbo1981: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to MinDaddy [Ad As]
concreterob: folds
echocw: folds
pietla: folds
Leonclub: folds
porkster1: folds
Xilef030: folds
MinDaddy: raises 60 to 80
StripeySox1: folds
hobbo1981: calls 60
*** FLOP *** [9h 3h 7d]
hobbo1981: checks
MinDaddy: bets 150
hobbo1981: calls 150
*** TURN *** [9h 3h 7d] [5d
]hobbo1981: checks
MinDaddy: bets 1270 and is all-in
hobbo1981: calls 1270 and is all-in
*** RIVER *** [9h 3h 7d 5d] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hobbo1981: shows [Kh Th] (a flush, King high)
MinDaddy: shows [Ad As] (a pair of Aces)
hobbo1981 collected 3010 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3010 Rake 0 Board [9h 3h 7d 5d 8h]
Seat 1: MinDaddy (button) showed [Ad As] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 2: StripeySox1 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: hobbo1981 (big blind) showed [Kh Th] and won (3010) with a flush, King high
Seat 4: concreterob folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: echocw folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: pietla folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Leonclub folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: porkster1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Xilef030 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Havnt been playing a lot lately. Kids are sick, I'm sick, it sux. I couldnt even go to Majestic with a buddy... I know I would have made some coin there. oh well. When I have played online, it's mostly microlimit NL. I'm really not "playing poker." I'm just in it to make some money. Str8 forward ABCD poker. No special moves or bluffs or plays. Just hit a hand and maximize value. It helps that the fish try to make moves and make mistakes! It's really just wait and pounce. It's sad because I like to make plays but when they reraise or call, you know they have something. But as long as I still enjoy playing and making smart decisions and lay downs, it's all good.

I tried playing microlimit HORSE last night. That is a very fun game. No stupid allins and suckouts (mostly). I held my own, but those 8 or better games kill me. Just too confusing analyzing my hand for high and/or low and trying to put others on a hand. But it was challenging and fun. I like RAZZ. I want to play more tourneys, but my connection can go at any time.

Played a turbo SNG last night. Fell asleep and woke up almost blinded down...not good when it's a turbo. Wasn't even drinking either. But I made some plays and took it down for a few bucks. Seems like EVERYONE playing sngs now know the formula of playing those... so challenging. Still you get some fish here and there. Poker is fun for everyone.