Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Majestic Trip

Well a new year, another fun trip to Majestic. But after 6 hours of playing last Friday, I basically just broke even. But it could have been worse I guess. Of course, I should have been better. There was one young dude at my table who said he played poker only two times before... well he was a card rack and had AA at least three times the first hour I was there. He left up around 5 hundy.... damn that was MY goal.

The table was the most limpy loose table I ever played at. Should have been good news for me. At first I was a little aggro and tried to raise everyones 2$ limp. 7 ppl limping was not uncommon. Again, I just could not catch anything. Best hand was JJ.

One key hand I'm down to around 50 or 60, limps 5 ways to me in the cutoff. I have AK. I raise to 15, and it gets folded to EP who then proceeds to raise to 20 or thirty more. HMMMM. What hands limp then reraise? A monster. For some reason I didnt believe him and called. He flips same hand and we chop. So a little while later, I'm still around 60$ and it limps to cutoff who raises. This guy knows how to play, which means he could have been making a play. I have 88 and go all in. He calls and flips AK. Door card is the K, with a 4 and 6. Turn is 5, River is 7. Oh yeah. Anyways I just keep treading water after being down to 50, and decide to leave around 5 am. Just wasnt my night. next time should be better. I believe even though the table was real limpy and passive, ppl there knew what they were doing.

Majestic's 1/2 game is now $200 max buy in, so there is a lot more flexibility in play. Less mindless shoving. Should be an opportunity to make money there. I like that room.

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